Friday 27 June 2008

By Golly

For me to revive this long forgotten blog of mine, I guess it must have been the accumulated longing for assignments that pushed me into this. Yeah, I really miss assignments. I must be nuts, you think. I dread exams an awful lot, but when it comes to essay based stuff, you can always count on me to produce one with glee.

It feels good to let out your opinions on paper without the need to argue. To state a viewpoint and make it apparent to the reader how this point has many advantages yet, still considering the opinion of others through referenced details and information.

It is hard to accept someone's differing view when a conflicting issue arises at some point in a conversation.
Is it because the act of acceptance signifys defeat in another sense?
It is so hard to humble oneself to say sorry.
So we choose not to admit our faults. Instead we insist.
But what help is it to a situation if we hold on to our faulty take on a problem and try to cast every other probably more feasible ideas away?

The result is simple to hypothesize.
The discussion gets nowhere, and everybody leaves vexed and all heated up.

Is it so hard to just let go?
What good does it do to be stubbornly opinionated?

Note to self:
Better to be open to the ideas of everyone then try doing things your way, anyway.
Like they always say, two brains are better than one.
That's why we are made with two ears and one mouth.
Better to leave our pride aside, so our ears stay open.