Friday 12 June 2009

Say it as it is, let them know you know

People can only do so much with little encouragement.
The power of a remark is so that it can terribly crush or build a person up to all that one is able to offer.

Sometimes offering praise is an expression of how willing you are to put down your defenses and plainly admit that: hey, you can do better than me! so much so that, even with all the knowledge I have acquired, there is always something you can offer to add on to my value!

It is indeed a very humbling attribute you acquire when one puts acknowledgment of another´s efforts into words spoken in gladness and appreciation of another´s wisdom.

To think apart from me and me alone.
When we extend this to our community at large, it can work wonders.

Even when we praise God, we are truly recognizing and proclaiming His glory.
It puts our egos into perspective, so we are reminded of our little significance in the big scale of things. Pardon, when i say little significance, I refer to a contribution on our part, but truly, an individual´s contribution is only part of what makes everything work.

Our gifts are small, yet, very very necessary.
Its all about offering whatever we have, without thought of its measure in comparison to what other people can afford to give on their accord.

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