Monday 16 March 2009

Which part of your life do you want erased?

Thank God for pain.
For it is through these periods of suffering that my humanity is amplified.
Through these I would gain empathy, towards the people I have met and those whom I have yet to meet.
That when I say :"I understand, and I can help you through this pain"
It resonates. It is not empty.
That I have been empowered by reality to lend a hand when and where it is most needed.

As I rerun the hurts through the passing of time.
I am reminded of my fragility, my powerlessness, my need of reliance, The power of Him.

Because of Him in me. I can do so much.

To each his/her own. We all have areas in life where we find particular difficulty coming to terms with. Yet that is precisely the uniqueness of every individual, called to fulfill His intended purpose. Peas in a pod, but peas of distinctively separate entities.

Don't look back with regret over the things you have experienced which were beyond your control. Instead, look back with thanksgiving for the rare opportunity to explore the intricacies of life, and the ability He has given you to pull through those challenging times. Be proud to have survived and take joy that you are alive and well to tell your side of the story for His glory to be magnified in you.

I don't wanna rub off my past.
I want to embrace it and look ahead.

For I know all that did not work for me.
I'll make it work this time round as He wills me to.

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