Monday 6 July 2009

Sing a song of six pence- draw money in your mind

Karaoke. Music and lyrics. The thing about a song, is that, the musical component is universal. Where as, the lyrics that convey the message are only limited (or accurate to the extent) by the understanding of the audience according to their mastery or command of the language it is presented in.

As I run through the songs that have been made popular by the catchy tunes off the radio, I come to realize the horrors behind the lyrics as they portray a very dangerous interpretation of life in general.

so what do you do when the tune is amazing, yet, the lyrics are more than meets the eye?
I´m a firm believer in the practice of aversion tactics when it comes to blatant in the face temptation.
I guess when you strive to do something without hipprocracy, you cannot do anything without truly believing in it.
When believing in something goes against your core values, then I feel, one should let the former go.
Well, at least as long as its not beyond the confines of personal space maybe? Lest anyone should stumble upon hearing my participation in songs of a morally corrupt nature.

So yeah, karaoke songs should be picked wisely, lest one would cause another believer to stumble.
even how tempting the tune could be, I guess one can play tunes without lyrics (instrumental alone) and that would be perfectly fine for all. :)

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